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What is PAM?

What is PAM? NHS PAM (Premises Assurance Model) is a management tool that provides NHS organisations with a way of assessing how safely and efficiently they run their estate and facilities services. In April 2018 all NHS organisations were asked to start implementing and using PAM.

PAM is a basis for:

  1. allowing NHS healthcare providers to assure boards, patients, commissioners and regulators on the safety and suitability of estates and facilities where NHS healthcare is provided

  2. providing a nationally consistent approach to evaluating NHS estates and facilities performance against a common set of questions and metrics

  3. prioritising investment decisions to raise standards in the most advantageous way

The NHS PAM supports boards, clinical leaders and directors of finance and estates to make more informed decisions on the development of their estates and facilities services. It also provides important information to commissioners for use during the commissioning process and regulators in identifying risks.

How can we help?

Implementing PAM can be a complex task, the breadth of the PAM assessment is such that it is easy to overlook something, or not complete an area in sufficient detail, especially if it’s the first time that you’ve undertaken such a venture or if resources are under pressure.

LCE are here to help, as national trainers in partnership with Eastwood Park, LCE are currently supporting a number of NHS Trusts in their PAM Assessments and Reporting.

LCE offer a range of PAM Preparedness Audit services whereby we identify and address areas for improvement before the assessment is finalised on your behalf. We also check that you have defined and located the information sources necessary to ensure that your PAM assessment is complete and accurate, also that it is aligned to the new SCART reporting tool.

With our check in place, you can rest assured that when your PAM assessment is reviewed by a third party such as NHSi or CQC, it will include everything it should in the detail required and be fully compliant.

We have three levels of PAM support to assist your organisation:

If you are interested in finding out how we can help you, contact us today by emailing us at or phone us on 01273 030154.


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