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Sustainability Manager

What is a sustainability manager?

A Sustainability Manager is the person within the organisation that is responsible for ensuring that targets are set and monitored to make sure environmental goals are achieved.

Sustainability managers are accountable for developing ways to reduce energy wastage and use resources more efficiently, communicating plans, formulating budgets and monitoring results.

Benefits of a sustainability manager

There are many benefits to having a sustainability manager, here are our top three:

Firstly, a sustainability manager will ensure a company is adhering to government legislation whilst also looking to future to ensures an organisation continues to meet targets and any future regulations that come into place.

Secondly, sustainability managers save money by making organisations minimise waste and maximise efficiency.

Thirdly sustainability managers can positively impact an organisations public image. The environment is a growing concern on the agendas of many people, having a sustainability manager and implementing carbon saving practices demonstrates that your organisation is responsible and cares about the environment.

Sustainability is more than just a job.

At LCE, Sustainability is part of our personality, we are so absorbed in this mission that it doesn’t feel like work, it’s our lifestyle and reflects in our overall values.

You need to be someone who can work towards a long-term vision and inspire change. Responsible for ensuring the company does all it can for the environment – ensure the company works towards finding new and innovative ways to stay green.

Someone who can see a problem and research smart ways to deal and resolve them.

The top 6 skills of a sustainability manager/advisor

Strategy – see a project through from start to finish , solid strategy to enable to get the job done properly, efficiently and on time. Identify risks and opportunities. Problems must be analysed and solutions presented. Planning and developing a strategy.

Communication skills – Communication skills to engage with the rest of the team – knowledge sharing. Lead through influence. Communicating strategy to colleagues.

Persistence – come up with different approach, trial and error, things don’t always go right first time around.

Persuasion - need to be genuine, clear, concise and logical.

Innovation– Knowledge and Innovation to help translate sustainability into business strategy. Be open minded to new ideas, paying full attention to your audience – develop all the important points/ideas.

Listening skills – need to be able to work as part of a team and listen to other people’s ideas. Sustainability is achieved by working as a team. Be flexible and gain valuable expertise from other people.

Get in Touch

If you are a business interested in finding out how you can be more sustainable as a company, contact us today!

LCE works on the client-side to help organisations align their core business with sustainability principles. We provide a comprehensive service, tailored to our client needs.

Our approach to sustainability creates long term value by embracing energy and carbon saving opportunities and incorporating economic, social and environmental considerations into decision-making.

We help organisations in any stage of their journey, from those who are simply interested in complying with legislation, and beyond, to those who want to take an integrated approach that embeds sustainable practices within their business.

Our Sustainability Management Service is designed to find ways to improve resource efficiency and reduce wastage in organisations. We help businesses make real savings and safeguard against the effects of climate change by improving their environmental management processes.


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