Low Carbon Europe’s Sustainability Specialists were commissioned to provide support to develop Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trusts first Green Travel Plan, on behalf of the Estates and Risk and Compliance teams.
The Green Travel Plan project involved both data collection and analysis, as well as development of a Travel Plan Working Group (TPWG) to steer the final plan through its development and subsequent implementation phase.
Data collection involved using a range of techniques in order to gather the necessary data required to inform the development of the plan, including:
Analysis of national and local policy context including public health data on mortality in relation to air pollution
Staff travel survey which achieved a 16% response rate
Snapshot patient survey at four community hospital sites
Site assessment and analysis of provision for signage, public transport information, pedestrian access, cycling facilities, shared sites, car parking facilities, vehicle traffic flow data and car parking incidents
Analysis of existing arrangements for fleet vehicles, mileage policy, car sharing and cycle to work schemes and park & ride opportunities.
The TPWG established to oversee the development of the plan, and work towards improvements on sites where there are currently car parking pressures. The group was facilitated by our Sustainability Specialist, providing information, guidance and terms of reference, as well as additional support around car parking management policy analysis.
The TPWG identified four key priorities around improving sustainable travel opportunities, reducing the need to travel, co-ordinating information and reducing car parking pressures. Overall targets were identified and an action plan developed that sought to achieve the priority areas. In addition, to support implementation of the action plan, several action points were completed to enable the TPWG to focus on the most pressing matters.
Feedback from Client
The work that Low Carbon Europe were commissioned to undertake on behalf of Berkshire Healthcare, has enabled this Trust to seriously structure the sustainability agenda for future years. The consultant was very efficient and informed, and dove tailed well into our directorate; providing the support and knowledge that we required to gain momentum on this project. All works were completed in a timely manner and were of the highest written standard. As a piece of collaborative working this was indeed a success on our part, launching Berkshire Healthcare fully on their Green Travel Plan roll out.
Testimonial from Jill Griffiths, Health & Safety Advisor