Soutenu Limited, incorporating Low Carbon Europe Limited t/a LCE and Green and Kassab Limited t/a GKT are committed to conducting our business operations in a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner. We recognise the importance of integrating CSR principles into our business practices to contribute positively to society, the environment, and the economy. Whilst our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy outlines our commitments in key areas and is fully integrated into our ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) Systems, this Carbon Reduction and Net Zero Plan provides the detail as to how the Soutenu Group plans to mitigate its carbon emissions.
1. Carbon Baseline:
The Group has had its carbon footprint independently assessed by the Planet Mark over the last 7 years, with our total emissions footprint (tCO2e) detailed below:
We have continuously reduced our carbon footprint whilst growing the company, mainly due to our travel and on-site work practises. We identified hybrid working efficiencies and practises during the pandemic, which led us to investigate our contracts to provide on-site working when required, but reduced travel where possible.
As a team of 11 staff, we now have a lower footprint per person than ever before, at just 0.6 tCO2e. Whilst these are low, we have a few members of the team that travel more frequently than others and are looking to target this reduction, in the coming years.
From 2023 onwards, we will be calculating our carbon footprint in-house, to expand the criteria to include our suppliers and our waste and water data, which is currently not monitored within our office boundary.
We will also be adding paper usage to this plan by March 2024 and setting targets for 2025, and beyond.
2. Carbon Reduction and Net Zero Plan
The following sections detail our current footprint for each category, and our targets and reduction pathway for each, towards a Net Zero trajectory.
3. Electricity
In our last reporting year, our location-based emissions were 0.2 tCO2e.
We have worked to reduce this through efficient use of computer (IT) and other office-based equipment, as well as changing to a hybrid working model that allows more of the team to work from outside the office. We have already switched to REGO backed electricity to minimise the impact of our usage.
Reduction Pathway:
In the longer term, we expect to move to an office that is served by electricity generated on site. We will continue to monitor our electricity usage per employee, to ensure that we reach the minimum levels possible, to conduct our business.
Monitor electricity usage per employee to reach minimum levels.
Move to a self-generating site.
4. Natural Gas
In our last reporting year, our emissions were 0.3 tCO2e.
Our office is based within a larger multi-tenanted building, where we operate from two rooms only, with dependent heating from the main site boiler system. However, we use Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs) to maintain a comfortable temperature when the office is in use, and switch to frost protection overnight and at weekends.
We only use hot water on site for hand washing and ensure this is only used when necessary.
Reduction Pathway:
In the next year, we will be trialling e-TRVs within the office to allow timers to be set, as well as maximum temperature set points to be controlled, to further reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. In the longer term, we expect to move to an office that is heated electrically via heat pumps assisted by photovoltaic panels. This arrangement will decarbonise both the space heating and domestic hot water (DHW) within our office premises.
Reduce our heating load through effective use of e-TRVs.
Move to a decarbonised site.
5. Air Travel
In our last reporting year, our emissions were zero tCO2e, with no air travel.
Where necessary, we will continue to use air travel, but accept that this should be a last resort in many cases.
We monitor our Air Travel against Turnover to ensure we are not using this form of transport unnecessarily.
Reduction Pathway:
Monitor air travel use and replace with other forms of travel, where possible.
Monitor Air travel vs Turnover.
Report on instances where air travel is necessary.
6. Bus Travel
In our last reporting year, our emissions for bus travel were zero tCO2e.
As we grow our team, we have found that many of our staff commute by bicycle or on foot compared to bus use, and rarely use this form of transport for site visits, favouring car sharing or single car travel.
Reduction Pathway:
As detailed in the cars section, we expect to increase the use of Bus travel in the future.
Increase Bus travel whilst reducing car travel.
7. Cars
In our last reporting year, our emissions were 4.1 tCO2e, equating to 15,273 miles.
Since the pandemic, we have tried to assess each contract to minimise the amount for travel but accept that a lot of our travel relates to the need to be on site in remote locations, or for business development where the choice of travel is dependent on our client’s availability.
Reduction Pathway:
Reduce single occupancy car usage where practical and encourage the use of public transport for at least parts of our journeys.
A 10% reduction in our car emissions by March 2025.
8. Rail Travel
In our last reporting year, our emissions were 0.3 tCO2e, equating to 8,705.6km.
Whilst we use rail to commute to the office in Brighton, some of the sites are not situated to allow for rail travel alone. However, we will look to increase this method as car travel reduces.
Reduction Pathway:
Increase rail travel as car usage reduces.
A 10% increase in rail use instead of car travel by March 2025
9. Procurement
Our carbon footprint does not currently cover our suppliers; this, however, will be measured over the next year.
Reduction Pathway: TBC
Targets: TBC by March 2025
10. Net Zero Trajectory
The below shows our carbon emission targets (tCO2e) as a Net Zero Trajectory, with the above targets factored in:
This trajectory is achievable through planning of client visits using public transport and moving to a decarbonised office.
However, this will be reviewed annually as the Soutenu Group expands; hence, travel and office emissions directly relate to the size and activity levels of our companies.