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Image by Arseny Togulev

Operating Theatre Optimisation and HTM 03-01 audit benefit Trusts by aiming to reduce CO2 emissions and help play a significant role in combating climate change, identification of significant areas of cost savings and the knowledge that Patient Safety and comfort is being adhered to.

By improving the air supply in one theatre alone, a Trust can save around £5,000 a year, therefore an average Trust with 12 operating theatres could find savings of £60,000 per year. If this figure was extended to all the Trusts in England, it could mean a national saving of more than £9,000,000 and a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 72,000 tonnes a year.

Our specialist consultants will undertake fully invasive inspections of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in operating theatres,and examine energy loads in relation to all the current operational requirements. A comprehensive review will then look at ways to optimise control strategies, ventilation rates, humidification parameters and part-load efficiencies, and meet the requirements of HTM 03-01 at the same time. Areas covered by the audit include:


  • Critical Ventilation System Inspection


  • Duct Air Flow Rates


  • Room Air Terminal Air-Flow Rates


  • Room Differential Pressures


  • Air Handling Units & Pressure Control


  • Potential Fan Replacement Opportunities


  • Pipework Insulation


  • Chilled Water Pump Sets


  • Central Chilled Water Systems


  • Humidification & De-Humidification StrategiesIn addition to the HTM 03-01 specifications, our consultants will suggest other energy saving initiatives, which could save the Trust more energy and money. Each audit comes with a comprehensive action plan, and a list of full list of recommendations.

We have completed a number of theatre optimisation projects with impressive results. We are able to complete theatre optimisation projects out of operational time with no or minimal disruption to day to day activity. 


We would love to hear from you and chat through how our services can help. Or if you want to hear from us then please subscribe to our mailing list.

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