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The University of Hertfordshire – Retained Energy Management Service


Spread over two sites in Hatfield, the University of Hertfordshire is home to more than 24,500 students, including 3,400 who live on campus in the halls of residence.

The University takes its environmental responsibilities seriously and is ranked 15th in the 2009 People and Green Planet universities league table.

It already has a Carbon Management Plan in place with plans to help meet the targets set out by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), which require the sector to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 43% by 2020.

For the University this equates to saving approximately 20,000 tonnes of carbon per annum by 2020, based on 2009 emission data.

The University’s Carbon Management Plan includes the introduction of a CHP system to the central district heating system on the main campus in College Lane, improvements to the site‐wide BMS system and replacement lighting for some of the buildings, which are used 24 hours a day.

The Low Carbon Europe REMS

Initially, Low Carbon Europe was asked to review the University’s existing energy metering system and develop a strategy for improving it, so all energy being used on site is effectively monitored.

Low Carbon Europe also undertook a review of the University’s existing BMS system. The review focused on some of the most energy‐intensive buildings, identifying possible improvements to plant control, which helped reduce energy consumption.

We also assisted the University in the general management and reporting of the energy it currently uses. This has included validating utility invoices, assisting with FIT applications for PV installations and providing energy advice on new developments for the University’s capital projects team.


Low Carbon Europe’s initial review of the BMS only focused on two buildings, out of a total of more than 30, but it was able to identify a possible reduction in carbon emissions of 360 tonnes through improved plant control.

A preliminary review of the utility invoices also identified that the University was paying for services from their electricity supplier, which they were not using.

By adjusting this service, Low Carbon Europe helped the University save more than £50,000 a year.

The University’s existing metering strategy meant they were reliant on estimated billing from their suppliers, there were gaps in their sub‐metering coverage and some buildings had not been billed since their construction.

Low Carbon Europe’s site survey identified how the sub‐metering coverage could be improved to provide a more complete picture of all the energy being used.

In addition, FIT applications for an existing PV installation have been submitted and the University is now receiving payments from their electricity supplier.

And Low Carbon Europe is also working with the University to improve the efficiency of the existing CHP system by implementing the CHPQA programme.


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