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Our PAM Advanced Course is designed for people who already have basic understanding and some experience of PAM requirements. 

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Course Aims

This course is designed to discuss and share best practise processes and effective communication techniques to those that have already been instrumental to the PAM assessment process.  


Leaner would typically include those responsible for completing the PAM submission and those whose role is to gain the support of other Estates & Facilities officers and managers. The learning will build on the Introduction to PAM course for those new to PAM. 


Common issues and helpful solutions will be covered to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the assessment, therefore reducing the burden and administration of the process.

Course Objectives


Understand the more detailed structure of PAM and the evidence required


Better understand the PAM questions, identify the potential barriers and be able to exercise a pragmatic approach in obtaining the required evidence


Be able to recognise the specific documents required to evidence the scoring


Consider several best practise approaches to store information in a way that can be easily updated and robustly evidenced for future audit


Demonstrate knowledge of aligning risk management within PAM to the Trust wider risk management process


Provide a meaningful approach to how the risks are monitored, managed, and mitigated 


Identify key stakeholders outside Estates & Facilities aligning to hospital assurance management structure and the requirements of CQC.


Describe roles and competencies beyond the Health Technical Memoranda (HTM) and the Safety Domain


Knowledge of linking to key historical NHS estates guidance and processes


Obtain skills in progressing an effective audit and review process


Understand the need to progress presentation of findings aligned to the Trust’s financial and operational planning and approval timescales

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