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Our energy consultancy team provide comprehensive energy audits that give you insight into your energy usage, identify reasons for high or abnormal energy consumption and give you tailored recommendations to improve your energy efficiency. 

We undertake energy audits on all types of businesses from all industries ranging from a single site to multi site and international companies. 

As part of the energy audit we will suggest improvements to improve your energy efficiency, these can range from low cost / no cost quick wins with immediate or short-term gains and a number of capital investment projects with larger gains achievable over the medium to longer term.

We don't just stop there, we are able to work with you to implement projects, continue to monitor your energy usage and develop a Green Plan / SDMP / SDAP to really kick start your business energy improvement.

Contact us to find out more about how our energy audits can help your business. 

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An overview of just some of the benefits of performing an energy audit:

Use your energy audit data to measure and verify the energy savings of the improvements you have made

Use your energy audit information to form part of a green plan / sustainable development management plan / sustainable development action plan

Demonstrate your business is energy compliant and improve your EPC or DEC rating

Improvement suggestions from low cost / no cost solutions to larger investment projects with larger gains achievable over the medium to longer term.

Have your energy usage benchmarked against similar organisations in similar industries to find out how you are performing

Identify high energy usage and find solutions to stop wastage


We would love to hear from you and chat through how our services can help. Or if you want to hear from us then please subscribe to our mailing list.

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