LCE will endeavour to fully integrate staff engagement processes within the internal governance mechanisms of the organisation. We feel this is important as often engagement programmes create uplift in interest followed by a decline in active participation. By working with internal systems and passing along our knowledge and expertise to the relevant departments, we anticipate that sustainability becomes part of the everyday activity, considered as integral as Health and Safety.
In order to achieve these ambitions we cover the following actions:
Communications and Growth of a Sustainability Champions Network
Workplace training
The Planet Mark™ Certification
Library materials
Integration with internal governance mechanisms
Monitoring and evaluation
From previous experience we have found Sustainability campaigns undertaken have demonstrated utility cost savings in the order of 3-5% of the total energy spend. Conservatively, we consider that a twelve-month campaign will provide a minimum, 3% utility saving, providing a good return on investment. In addition to the utility saving, we also anticipate improvements in clinical efficiency and associated cost benefits through engagement with clinicians; engagement with Procurement, Finance and other nonclinical departments will also provide further environmental benefits.